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The best (tips) for the new year
The best 2012 tips for small businesses call for adding online video to your marketing plans. Why? Because people like dealing with people. And your video will enable them to get to know, like and trust you before they ever make contact. When they do contact you they will already be inclined to do business with you.
So, what do your viewers want to see in your videos?
For your first three videos think about including what’s most relevant, such as
1. a video that answers the most common question, problem or product issue that your clients have,
2. a video describing how you go the extra mile for a client, and
3. a video with a tip relating to your area of expertise.

Arline Melzer is a film producer with a passion to help small businesses with their online video presence, and to help generations preserve and celebrate the times of their lives.
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